Request Assessment
August 14, 2024

3 Signs You Need a New Website

3 Signs You Need a New Website

Anyone can build a website, right? Well, technically, yes. But building a great website takes more than a few HTML lessons and a good color palette. From understanding your website goals to putting together an end-to-end conversion strategy (complete with the content to fill the funnel!), building an incredible website takes time and skills. 

With more than two decades of experience working with clients to build or refresh their websites, we’ve worked with hundreds of different kinds of websites over the years. Here are a few common challenges I see spark the need for a new website: 

You may need a new website if… you have a poor conversion rate

Bizible, a New Breed client, was founded in 2011 by two former Microsoft/Bing employees. The marketing analytics technology helps companies measure their return on investment with ease and accuracy. While the company had a great foundation, its website was a self-declared ‘Frankenstein of B2B SaaS websites,’ and didn’t adequately show the business’s value proposition. 

The team needed a new site built on the HubSpot CMS that would represent the true sophistication of their solution and get their website sales-ready. 

Once they brought in New Breed for the project, we worked on a sleek, minimalist design to align with their SaaS vision, coupled with our strategic insight on how to increase visitor engagement. Some of the elements included: 

  • A rotating slider of customer testimonials with a Request a Demo CTA
  • Simple graphics to walk visitors through Bizible’s product
  • Industry-specific pages with case studies

To support lead generation, we developed a resources section on the homepage and within the wider website using Bizible’s existing resources. Along with the new resource center to bring in more opportunities to convert, we also added progressive forms to all site pages, with a sticky demo CTA and a locked navigation bar. Last, but certainly not least, the team added a slide-in CTA to Bizible’s blog, which is seeing a high conversion rate through to its landing page. 

As a result, the organization saw a 400% increase in inbound demo requests, a 200% increase in blog leads, and a nearly 30% increase in the homepage CTR. 

Read the full case study here. 

You may need a new website if…you’re going through a rebrand

Reward Gateway, a global HR tech SaaS organization, delivers the leading employee engagement platform. But while the organization was global, the website lacked regional treatment to make each of its individual markets (United States, United Kingdom, and Australia) stand out from their core personas

Fresh on the heels of a re-brand, the company saw an opportunity to redo their entire website top to bottom to create a lead-generating website that also reflected the new brand and the individual sales regions. 

To solve this challenge, we collaborated with Reward Gateway’s art directors and full marketing team to develop on-brand mockups and strategic conversion points across the entire website. For the website to be regionally specific, we leveraged the GeoIP functionality in HubSpot’s Smart Content to customize the homepage with unique content and navigation for each region, directing visitors from the wrong locale to their right destination through a dropdown banner. The team also used Smart Content across a growing resource library and doubled down on regional needs with SEO-friendly country codes and “content language” meta information.

As a result, the organization saw a near-40% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in average session duration. Thanks to the SEO work, the total number of indexed pages across all three regions increased by 37% – all within the first month. 

Read the full case study here.

You may need a new website if…you want to improve the buying experience

Linium is a nationally recognized firm with over 15 years of experience, specializing in recruiting, consulting, and outsourcing services that support a company to achieve enterprise scale and growth. To help reach their overall revenue goals, the team needed an updated website and alignment between their marketing and sales teams to create a great buying experience for their prospects. 

We acted as an extension of their team by taking ownership of their end-to-end marketing strategy, first looking at their digital presence (their website) and then implementing inbound methodology with content creation for premium content offers and lead-nurturing workflows.

Through an extensive redesign of their site, we also worked to align it with inbound best practices and bring Linium’s unique service offerings into the spotlight. As a result of working directly with the marketing and sales team members, the organization generated more than 550 leads, further leading to a 413% ROI on Linium’s initial investment with New Breed in the first six months. 

Read the full case study.

These are just a sampling of the success stories I’ve seen during my time at New Breed. My team and I are eager to help you, bringing years of experience in website design, development, and strategy to build your dream (converting!) website. Get in touch with us today to learn more. 

new breed website assessment request

Christopher Mathieu

Christopher Mathieu is the Chief Services Officer at New Breed, an Elite HubSpot Partner based in Burlington, VT, which helps customers implement the right technology and strategies to unlock meaningful growth. With a background in design, technology, and demand generation, his over two decades of experience allow...


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