Request Assessment
New Breed

Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The goal of this Service Level Agreement is to create a documented, shared understanding about our services, responsibilities of each team, and terminology, such that our teams can collaborate effectively and efficiently to ensure a productive and beneficial growth-focused engagement. 

To ensure client success, New Breed has adopted a general Service Level Agreement that defines the frequency of New Breed response to Client requests. The below guidelines outline the level of severity and priority, as well as expected response time. 

  • Please note: All response times occur during standard business hours and are measured based on standard business hours during working days: Mon.- Fri. 8am to 6pm EST, excluding holidays. For instance, if we receive communication at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, a six-hour response time would be any time before 2:00 p.m. Thursday.
  • Please Note: In the "Characteristics" column, details and outlined examples are not inclusive of all potential requests, training, or issues. 

Level of Severity


Characteristic Requests

Response Time

Resolution Time



Issue is preventing critical functionality of specific web properties and/or greatly impacting business processes. 

A large number of users are impacted without procedural workaround.

  • A form is not functioning
  • Users cannot access website
  • Integrations are experiencing downtime
  • Data corruption/ data deletions
  • Impact escalating rapidly

< 4 hr

WIthin 8-24 hr

Email (or Kantata via a tag) or Phone


Issue is preventing major functionality of a specific platform and/or greatly impacting business.

A large number of users are impacted but still able to work in a limited capacity. A reasonable workaround is available.

  • Significant site performance issues
  • Automation delays that impact business
  • Important functionality downtime
  • Issues that may affect data and deletions
  • Impact escalating

< 6 hr

Within 48 hr or until reasonable workaround

Email (or Kantata via a tag) or Phone


Issue is an annoyance but not business critical. 

Issues do not impact users’ ability to complete work. A reasonable workaround is available.

  • Landing page isn’t appearing the way envisioned.
  • An email did not send properly
  • HubSpot is moving slowly

< 24 hr

Within 48-72 hr unless issue requires unanticipated additional resources

Email (or Kantata via a tag) or Phone, Slack


Client responsibilities are equal to New Breed’s responsibilities in terms of response time. Should there exist a major technical issue that requires client response to fix said issue prior to NB progression of tasks, the SLA indicates the priority levels and response time. 

New Breed will designate the priority level of follow-up tasks in Kantata according to the above table. 

Meeting Commitments

A recurring meeting schedule will be developed based on client needs. In most cases that looks like:

  • Professional Services: Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly
  • HubSpot Configuration*: 1 per module / as needed
  • Sales-Ready Website*: Based on Phase (reference specific project scope), expect at minimum bi-weekly
  • Growth Acceleration Workshop*: One time, 4 hour workshop
  • Integrations*: As needed, defined in the beginning stages of the project

Meetings range from 30-90 minutes depending on the need. Recurring meetings typically run 30 minutes, while workshops and more in-depth meetings run longer.

Google calendar invites will be provided including Zoom access for a video call.

*Those clients who have purchased foundational and onboarding services may not require recurring meetings. These clients may communicate with their Project Lead at any point to determine the most appropriate meeting cadence.

Escalation Resources

Clients have two routes of escalation:

  1. Project Lead: Individual at the helm of the engagement with New Breed. This is typically a Strategist or Project Manager.
  2. Operational Manager: Individual managing the functional team working on the engagement.
    • Professional Services: Director of Services
    • Growth Acceleration Workshop: Director of Services
    • HubSpot Configuration: Revenue Operations Manager
    • Sales-Ready Website: Web Strategy or Web Development Manager

When to reach out:

  • Scoping concerns
  • Clarification of responsibilities re: engagement
  • Budget concerns
  • Contract Terms
  • Other needs surrounding the partnership

Should any issues arise in the New Breed and Client relationship, an escalation process follows depending on the nature of the issue. The Project Lead/Operational Manager will submit a ticket to be reviewed by the Director of Services. At this time, the escalation team will inform the appropriate account resources of the escalation and develop a plan to mitigate the issue. The Project Lead/Operational Manager and Director of Services will communicate directly with the client about the escalation and following steps.