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Successfully launch your new site with Your Guide to a Website Redesign

Redesigning your website is a big undertaking, but one that many companies face. Your website has evolved from being a static brochure to one of your best salespeople.

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Without a clear plan and effective approach, your website redesign project can quickly balloon out of scope or fall flat in terms of performance. This guide will walk you through how to approach each phase of a website redesign project and build a website that attracts and converts your best-fit prospects.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Strategic planning: How to audit your current website, set new goals and develop buyer personas 
  • Information architecture: How to organize your content and structure your website to drive maximum conversions
  • Content strategy and production: How to develop search-optimized and persona-targeted content to rank better and convert more 
  • Design and development: How to build a visually stunning website that your team can easily build upon 
  • Site launch: How to make sure everything is in order before going live  

21-04-Website Redesign Guide-Ebook PreviewReady to get started with your website redesign project? Fill out the form.

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We worked with New Breed recently on a redesign and launch of our website. The project was complex and the experience and results were great. In particular, they were flexible and collaborative with good systems in place for cross-country/time-zone communication. Their collective expertise meant they were able to offer us strong, industry-leading advice.

Jesse Finn Senior Brand and Content Manager