Digital Body Language is the aggregate of all the digital activity you see from an individual. Each email that is opened or clicked, each web visit, each form, each search on Google, each referral from a social media property and each webinar attended are part of the prospect's digital body language.
The advancement of marketing automation technology has allowed for online tracking of leads & customers much further than Google Analytics ever imagined. With the shift to online and inside sales, a salesperson is no longer able to read a buyer's physical body language. These cues are what great salespeople have been accustomed to using when navigating the sale, from conversion to close.
Today savvy marketing and sales teams are leveraging web-based platforms (like HubSpot) that help give insight into how their prospects are responding to their efforts. These platforms are integrated into their website and are designed to read and track the prospect's digital body language. From this, we are able to get data that informs their buying process and gives our teams a higher probability of close.
*Source: Digital Body Language, Steven Woods