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August 1, 2024

3 Common Demand Generation Challenges

3 Common Demand Generation Challenges

Working with our clients every day, we see all sorts of challenges when it comes to demand generation. Demand generation is a data-driven marketing program that leverages inbound tactics to drive awareness and interest throughout the entire buyer and customer lifecycle. 

As noted by my colleague, Michael Garris, our Demand Generation Team Lead and Growth Strategist, 

‘It’s the things that a marketer does to create (generate) excitement and awareness (demand) for their solution.” 

A comprehensive and holistic demand generation strategy accounts for each touchpoint in the buyer journey, capturing their engagement from their very first site visit, all the way up to being an excited customer. 

But depending on where you might be in your demand generation strategy planning, your needs and demand generation campaign types might vary quite a bit.

That’s why my team of expert demand gen strats are there to support our clients, whether they need help creating an inbound engine, looking to specifically increase leads on their website and through their marketing programs, or they want an entire demand generation program created end-to-end. Here are a few of my favorite stories showing how our clients have successfully implemented demand generation into their go-to-market strategy:

Demand Generation Challenge: Building an inbound marketing foundation

Faced with a big company transition, our client Kalibrate’s marketing team was being challenged on multiple levels. But the biggest challenge of all was the shift to an inbound methodology, which the company had not previously focused on. To support Kalibrate, the New Breed team led a Growth Strategy Workshop to establish buyer personas and understand who to target in a niche and complex market (providing expertise and technology to convenience retailers). 

Kalibrate retained New Breed to create an inbound marketing foundation, including email marketing campaigns and premium content to target the newly created buyer personas. 

As a result of these efforts, Kalibrate has seen a 28% increase in inbound-sourced leads and a 72% growth in new contacts, among other growth metrics. 

Read the full Kalibrate case study.

Demand Generation Challenge: Increase leads at scale

ServiceTitan is a mobile, cloud-based software platform that helps home services companies streamline operations, improve customer service, and grow their business. Their main clients in the residential contracting industry held the company in high regard, but the organization was undergoing a good, but definitive challenge: Too many leads, not enough time (or efficiency) 

To help, the organization brought on New Breed to help them create a reliable marketing-to-sales handoff, and ensure that the leads coming in were qualified, as well as had adequate nurture streams to be engaged throughout the buying process. 

First, New Breed worked with ServiceTitan’s team to define clear buyer personas to inform their SEO, content, and nurture needs. (Sounding familiar? That’s because all great content starts with understanding your buyers!). New Breed conducted keyword research to develop a unified content and SEO strategy for each of the defined personas and lifecycle stages. 

As a result, the team worked with New Breed to create multiple email nurture campaigns using marketing automation tools to help educate, nurture, and qualify contacts to get them sales-ready and save the team valuable time to only talk to highly qualified buyers. Those that were less qualified were sent to a more middle-of-funnel content stream to educate prospects on ServiceTitan’s product features and essentially get them ready for sales. 

Alongside implementing inbound best practices, a re-engagement campaign, and a refreshed landing page form strategy, ServiceTitan was ready for (more qualified) business. 

Their contacts grew nearly 190% year-over-year, and the organization reeled in a 71% increase in organic traffic, with a near-50% uptick in conversions from that channel. The rankings and volume increase are paying off with more customers, and better qualified leads. 

Read the full ServiceTitan case study.

Demand Generation Challenge: Lack of resources to hit demand generation campaign goals

KYROS, a New Breed client, offers predictive analytics solutions to help companies maximize their loyalty program’s financial performance to boost growth and customer loyalty. The lean team was having difficulties getting their solution in front of online audiences, and needed to develop a more defined digital channel strategy, particularly within the B2B SaaS space. 

As with our other clients, we started with a buyer persona workshop to build out their full-funnel strategy, developing an end-to-end buyer’s journey map and linking that to top the of funnel, middle of the funnel, and bottom of the funnel content. 

New Breed acted as an extension of KYROS’s team to fast-track their content creation, adding to a lean library of blogs with robust resources to address target keywords and gated content offers to increase MQLs on their website. 

On top of the content creation, KYROS worked with New Breed to revamp their entire CTA, form, and landing page systems to connect the content with an overall demand generation strategy. In the first 150 days following the partnership, KYROS saw a 114% increase in website sessions, with more than half of those being from organic (exceeding the industry benchmark). There was also a 108% increase in new users. 

Read the full KYROS case study. 

These are just a handful of the success stories of how we’ve helped our clients overcome their biggest demand generation hurdles. No matter where you are on your demand generation journey, we’re here to support your needs. Get in touch with us today to learn more. 

demand gen assessment

Quinn Longbothum

Quinn is the Director of Demand Services at New Breed. She and her teams of talented demand generation, paid advertising, content, and design strategists work with clients to bring their brand, messaging, and content to life and drive measurable results. She also loves live music!


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