New Breed Blog

How Responsive Design Gets You More from Your Website

Written by Alyssa Rimmer | Jan 3, 2014 8:42:00 PM

Our world is changing...and fast. It used to be that we would have one, maybe two screens in our life - our computer at work and our TV at home. Now, screens are everywhere; we're surrounded by them.

We carry them with us in our pockets, have portable computers that can go wherever we go, we have tablets that we can read books on, we have TVs that let us stream shows from the internet. And so many of these devices let us connect and browse on the internet. Thanks to the internet, information is more accessible than it ever has been before. It's literally at our fingertips, all the time.

But what's crazy, especially for developers like the ones on our team, is that each of these devices has a different screen resolution. How do you accommodate? 

We know that your website is an essential part of your inbound marketing strategy, but with all the different devices out there, how can you ensure that someone visiting your site from their smartphone will have the same experience as from their laptop?

This is where responsive design comes into the picture. 

The overarching idea of Responsive Design is to build a single web property that has the ability to dynamically change its display based on the device it is used on (regardless of hardware or software platform). This applies to both low-resolution devices as well as really high-resolution devices.

Basically, with responsive design, your website will change what it looks like to fit the exact screen size that someone is viewing it on. So someone on their smartphone will have an experience tailored to that device, while someone on their large screen TV will have an experience tailor to that screen. It's changing the way that we use the internet and we see it as the future of website design.

Ready to learn more? Good thing, because we've got a lot more to share on this subject. Today we're sharing a post on the HubSpot Insiders Blog that talks all about responsive design, the ideas behind it, how you can integrate it into your inbound marketing strategy and the results you can expect to see from having a responsive website. We encourage you to check it out!


Image source: HubSpot